Skyfire – Novit? in arrivo !

Skyfire Beta is Open – No More Waiting ——- La beta pubblica di Skyfire ? aperta!
We opened up the floodgates to our beta program, so no more waiting to be invited to download. If you have a Windows Mobile or Nokia N or E Series (3rd edition) phone in the US, get it now and spread the word.

Abbiamo aperto la nostra Closed Beta, cos? non ci sar? pi? da attendere per scaricare il nostro programma. Se avete un terminale Windows Mobile, un Nokia Serie N o Serie E (3rd edizione) negli Stati Uniti, scaricatela adesso e diffondete la notizia!

WinMo 0.6 Beta Users: Upgrade to 0.8 Beta Today
If you are using the Windows Mobile 0.6 Beta, please take time to upgrade today. Look for the upgrade link on the Skyfire start page. It’s quick and easy to do.

You’re going to like the improvements to zooming, video playback, text entry, and bookmarks, to name a few.? We’ve added new features, too. These are two of our favorites:

Se state usando la versione per WM6 Beta, prendetevi un po’ di tempo per aggiornarla oggi. Andate sul link per aggiornarla qui in alto. E’ facile e veloce da fare. State per provare miglioramenti come zoomare nelle pagine, riproduzione video, inserimento di testo e segnalibri, per citare solo alcuni dei miglioramenti apportati. Abbiamo anche aggiunto nuove funzioni. Queste sono le due migliori.

??Super Bar – Get to content quicker. In a single field, you can search or enter a URL. It’s always present in the header so it’s easier to find what you’re looking for. Type a few characters and with auto-complete, it’s quick.

Raggiungete i contenuti pi? velocemente. In un solo campo, potete cercare o inserire un indirizzo. E’ sempre presente in alto cos? sar? pi? facile trovare cosa state cercando. Scrivete qualche lettera e la parola si former? da s?.

? Sharing – Share your favorite web content with friends and text message any web page. Imagine you’re watching The Office on Hulu, and you Twitter it to your friend – the link and all. If they have Skyfire, they’ll be enjoying the show too.

Condividete i vostri contenuti multimediali preferiti con gli amici. Immagina di guardare The Office on Hulu, e di usare Twitter con i tuoi amici, il collegamento per tutto. Se anche loro hanno Skyfire, godranno anche loro del film.

To read the full list of improvements and features, check out our Release Notes.? Please upgrade before November 17, when the Skyfire 0.6 Beta expires.

The Skyfire Symbian 0.8 Beta is coming out, so stay tuned if you have a Nokia E or N Series phone.

Per leggere il changelog completo e le nuove funzioni, controllate le nostre Note di rilascio. Vi preghiamo di aggiornare entro il 17 Novembre, data in cui la beta 0.6 di Skyfire scadr?.

La beta di SkyFire per Symbian versione 0.8 sta per arrivare. Rimanete sintonizzati se possedete un Nokia Symbian!

Hello to Windows Mobile 0.8 Beta Users
Welcome aboard to those of you installing Skyfire for the first time with the Skyfire Windows Mobile 0.8 Beta. Do you find yourself doing things that you didn’t think were possible on a mobile phone? Making purchases on eBay and Craigslist. Watching videos on YouTube, replays on ESPN, and broadcast TV on Hulu. Staying connected with your friends on MySpace and Facebook — while using the full desktop features of those sites. We’d love to hear your feedback at
News for Symbian 0.6 Users
Nokia users, we support more phones on the Symbian Series 60 (3rd edition) platform. We’ve added the Nokia E62, E71, N75, N80, N81 and N82 phones to the existing roster, which included the Nokia E61i, E61, N73, N76, and N95 phones.

We’ll be upgrading you to Skyfire 0.8 Beta soon – please stay tuned.

Top of the Chart:
Football fans are Skyfire fans. In fact, two of the most popular websites visited right now are and You can easily check out your team’s news and stats as well as watch the game highlights. In fact, you can use all of the graphics and watch all of the videos on sites like these – that’s standard fare for Skyfire.

Now, if you want to take it a step further, you can actually watch the Sunday Night Football game live on your phone. Just bookmark NBC’s site: You’ll never miss a minute of the Sunday game with Skyfire broadcasting it live on your phone.

For all you fantasy sports fans, heads up that Skyfire lets you use all of the features on Fantasy on Yahoo Sports and all other fantasy leagues. It works great on Skyfire so you can set up and track your teams and get real-time stats and updates.

Enjoy the season on Skyfire.

The Buzz: Skyfire ?Still Rocks? from Engadget
We were met with a bit of fanfare when we announced the Skyfire Windows Mobile 0.8 Beta and our move to an open beta. Engadget Mobile said “they love Skyfire’s mobile browser,” the Windows Mobile 0.8 release “piles on new features,” and when we opened our beta they said “Skyfire still rocks.” Read more of the buzz from the likes of TechCrunch , CNET, Gizmodo, and the rest.

Also, check out what Skyfire users are saying and follow us on Twitter. There a buzz in the air as folks catch a lot of current events live on Skyfire – NFL, debates, conventions, hurricane related news, to name a few. We’re changing the way you use your mobile phone and love to hear how.

What Did Skyfire Do for You Today?
“Skyfire helped my family and me through one the most trying times — the night hurricane Ike hit. Even before the eye passed over the city, we lost power. We had no way of getting information. We did not know what was going on outside the front door. Then I remembered Skyfire. The local TV station had a live video feed which we were only able to view from Skyfire. We needed important information on wind speeds, rain fall amounts, and storm location. After the storm, power remained out. My family and I were able to use Skyfire to find a POD location to get food, ice, water, and locations of gas. I updated my MySpace so family and friends out of state would know we were ok.”

— Joe, Ellisville, MS

Tell us your story. Join the discussion on the “What did Skyfire do for you today?” in our User Forum.

Some handy resources
We are listening intently to you as you give us suggestions, report bugs and build a community. Here are some resources that we’d like to bring to your attention:

  • User Forum: It’s a great place to get more help or report a bug. Login and come meet your fellow beta users.
  • Need more help? If you can’t find your answer on our website or in our User Forum, send us an email at You can also use this email to report bugs.
  • If you have feedback or suggestions, please send it to

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