Google Play Store Errore 403, errore 492 Errori, cause e guida alle soluzioni

Errore 403, errore 492? Google Play Store

Errori, cause e soluzioni del Google Play Store. La lista completa degli errori che lo store di Android pu? presentare durante il suo utilizzo.

Durante l?utilizzo del Google play store l?applicazione pu? rispondere con degli errori. Qui nel seguito potrete trovare l?elenco completo con le cause che lo hanno generato e le soluzioni per ripristinare le funzionalit?.

Errore 491, errore 498, errore 919, errore 413, errore 923, errore 921, errore 403, errore 492, errore 927, errore 101, errore 481, errore 911, errore 919, errore 920, errore 941, errore 504, errore 495, errore rh01, errore rpc:s-5:aec-0, errore -24, package file invalid, installation unssuccesful errore, download unsuccessful errori, no connection, errore rpc:aec:0], RPC:S-3 errore retrieving information from server

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Google Play Store Errore 403, errore 492 Errori, cause e guida alla soluzioni

Errore 403 Google Play Store


the download is impossible. This usually happens when two google accounts are used to buy applications on one device.


go the google play store with the correct google account. Uninstall the application in question. Next try to get the app from google play again and click the purchase button.

Errore 492 Google Play Store


it?s impossible to install an application due to the dalvik cache.


under settings, find apps, then swipe to all and scroll down to google services. Here, select clear data and then force stop. Do the same on the google play store app.

Note: If the problem is not solved, try deleting the dalvik cache. To do this, enter the custom recovery mode (only if you have root). Another solution is to complete a data wipe/ factory reset. This option applies to all users and can be done in recovery mode. Beware, it will wipe your data so make sure you have backed up everything you wish to keep.

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