Errore 80188309 durante aggiornamento Windows Phone 8.1

Errore 80188309 Windows Phone 8.1 durante l’ aggiornamento da cosa dipende ?

Il recentemente rilasciato Windows Phone 8.1 in anteprima per gli sviluppatori ma la release disponibile per il download di Windows Phone 8.1 non ? completamente ottimizzata per tutti i telefoni.

Il Download disponibile per Windows Phone 8.1 deve essere ancora ottimizzato per un numero pi? ampio di telefoni con la conseguenza che durante l’installazione il programma pu? restiuire il seguente errore : Errore 80188309.

l’ errore 80188309 viene normalmente riscontrato su alcune marche di smartphone come gli Huawei ma l’ Errore 80188309 pu? presentarsi anche sul altre marche di telefoni.

L’ Errore 80188309 si presenta sui telefoni dopo l’installazione del primo aggiornamento. Il problema ? noto alla Microsoft e in tal senso ? stato aperto una sezione dedicata sul forum di riferimento.

Il moderatore del Forum di Microsoft ha inserito il seguente messaggio:

Hello Everyone,
Here is the Friday update on how things are moving forward.??Without further delay, here is the news for today:

  1. A little clarification on the update notification.??The notification has stopped for all devices that have not yet taken the first update, however those that have taken the first update and are waiting for the second update to the current 8.1 build will continue to occur.??At this point, I would recommend ignoring the update notification and wait for further updates from us.
  2. The update itself is not going to be available today, or likely early next week.??We?will continue to work on getting you this update but it will not be as fast as you would like.??I know a lot of you would like a better timeline on when it will be available, and at this time I cannot commit to a date.??I will however, commit to updating you next Thursday April 24th, 2014 with any additional news.??If I have any news or details before then, I will of course update you at that time.

We appreciate you being eager to participate in the Windows Phone Developer Preview Program, and look?forward to getting it to you as soon as possible.

[Update:? This is for all devices experiencing the 80188309, not just the Huawei devices.]

Thank you,
Eli A.

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