AdFree per smartphone e Tablet Android permette di bloccare tutta la pubblicit? che compare nei programmi Free. AdFree E’ un programma rivoluzionario sviluppato dai developers del forum di XDA semplice e veloce da installare e configurare. Lo si potr? scaricare gratuitamente dal Market Android e, dopo averlo installato, baster? configurarlo in pochissimi passi. Per configurare AdFree baster? lasciare selezionata l?opzione …
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Rilasciato Firefox Mobile finale per N900!
Highlights include: Works with your favorite sites because its built on the same browser engine as Firefox 3.6 for the desktop Awesome Bar gets you to your favorite websites with minimal typing Seamlessly synchronizes your Firefox tabs, history, bookmarks and passwords between your desktop and mobile Location-Aware Browsing gives you info and maps relevant to your locale Tabbed browsing with thumbnail images One-touch bookmarking The first mobile Web browser to support add-ons that anyone can build and distribute to add new features and user experiences Fast JavaScript engine, using Mozillas TraceMonkey just-in-time compiler Instant Web site ID and customized security settings for safe browsing Available in more than 35 languages and counting Friendly Touch Interface Quick zoom: Double tap on a column of text or an image to zoom in, double tap to zoom back out Panning and scrolling: Use your finger to scroll down a page and pan from side to side View without obstructions: The browser controls and Awesome Bar get stowed away when you reach your website so you can use the whole screen to view the site.
Leggi tutto l'articoloMozilla Firefox – Upgrade 3.0.6
Nelle versioni precedenti di Firefox alcuni utenti riscontravano una visualizzazione non corretta di parte dello schermo quando lapplicazione rimaneva aperta per lunghi periodi di tempo.
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