Installare Windows Phone 8.1 aggiornamento GDR1 sul telefono Nokia Lumia Download e istruzioni passo passo per l’installazione
Ufficialmente annunciato la scorsa settimana di Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1 GDR1 ? ora disponibile per gli utenti in modalit? developer preview.
Si tratta di una una versione per sviluppatori per testare e convalidare app ma, chiunque, con un telefono Windows Phone pu? ottenere gratuitamente questo aggiornamento per testare le nuove funzionalit?.
Chi volesse provare in anteprima la versione Windows Phone 8.1 aggiornamento GDR1 sul proprio telefono Nokia Lumia potr? ottenere l’aggiornamneto tramite il programma Windows Phone App Studio.
Here are the steps:
- To participate and download Windows Phone Developer Preview ?program, you?must register yourself as an app developer. Simply head over to the?Windows Phone App Studio?website, and sign-in with your Microsoft Account credentials to?register?for free.
- Now head over to the Windows Phone Store and download the ?Preview for Developers? app and install it on your device.
- Open the app and once you accept the terms and conditions.?Then sign in using the same Microsoft account credentials?you used to register as a developer at App Studio. Then tick the box to enable Preview for Developers and click done.
- After that,?Go to Settings > Phone updates, and click on ?Check for updates.
- Follow the regular phone update procedure to update your device to latest available OS build.
Things you need to know:
- The update is likely to be large in size, Wi-Fi connection is?recommend for update.
- Make sure your device?at least 70% charge and?have?at least 2 GB of storage space available.
- Updates will only include the Microsoft update, and not additional OEM drivers/firmware i.e. this is?not?Lumia Cyan?update.
- You will continue to receive the official update (and firmware) when they become publicly available, so there is no missing out of features, nor will you ever be behind
- This will not wipe your phone.?It?s an over-the-air update that will only update/refresh the OS. Your apps, games, contacts, photos and even settings should remain the same.
- After you install a preview update,?you may void any warranty from your mobile operator and OEM.
Download Preview per Developers Microsoft Windows Phone 8.1 GDR1