Come fare Jailbreak iPhone 3GS IOS 4.0.1 con Pwnagetool Bundle

Il Dev Team ha rilasciato Redsn0w 0.9.5 Beta 5 per il jailbreak dell’iPhone 3G e iPod Touch 2G per la versione IOS 4.0 e lo stesso pu? essere utilizzato per IOS jailbreak 4.0.1, ma gli utenti che possiedono iPhone 3GS devono attendere fino a che una nuova release di Pwnagetool? potr? permettere di creare custom firmware per IOS 4.0.1 e poi si potr? eseguire il jailbreak iPhone 3GS.

Tuttavia, vi ? il metodo alternativo con cui ? possibile jailbreak iPhone 3GS 4.0.1. Il metodo si basa sul pacchetto non ufficiale per Pwnagetool IOS 4.0.1 e funziona solo su iPhone jailbroken con 3GS con il vecchio bootrom. Se si soddisfano questi requisiti si potr? procedere (sempre a proprio rischio). Qui di seguito la guida passo passo per iPhone 3GS jailbreak 4.0.1 IOS con il vecchio bootrom.

Lasciamo volutamente il testo in inglese cos? come ? stato inserito su Kaatje per non commetere errori di traduzione:

The procedure is similar to what we have posted for iPhone 3GS 4.0.

Stuff you will need

1. Download latest Pwnagetool 4.0.1

2. Download PwnageTool Bundle for iPhone 3GS (iPhone2,1_4.0.1_8A306.bundle)

3. Redsn0w 0.9.5 Beta 5 (needed to extract cydia app and replace with one present in Pwnagetool 4.0.1)

4. iTunes 9.2.1

How to Jailbreak iPhone 3GS 4.0.1 iOS

1. Download iPhone 3GS 4.0.1 Bundle and all the tools and place it on Desktop.

2. Now right click (Pwnagetool 4.0.1 for Mac OS X) and click on ?Show Package Contents?.

3. Now browse to Contents>Resources>Firmware Bundles>

4. Now copy the custom bundle iPhone2,1_4.0.1_8A306.bundle to? FirmwareBundles of


5. Right click on and ?Show Package Contents? and browse to Contents>MacOS> . Copy Cydia.tar.gz on your desktop and extract its content.

6. Now you will need to copy Cydia into To do that, right click on and ?Show Package Contents?. Browse to : Contents>Resources>CustomPackages> right click on ?CydiaInstaller.bundle? and ?Show Package Contents? > Files> and overwrite all the files with the ones you just extracted from redsn0w.

7. That?s it. Now load and create iOS 4.0.1 custom firmware for iPhone 3GS

8. Once you got the custom .ipsw, you need to restore iOS 4.0.1 via iTunes. Your iPhone device must be jailbroken. Put the device in recovery mode and restore.

That?s it, if you have followed above steps properly you will have jailbroken iPhone 3GS 4.0.1 iOS. Now you can run Ultrasn0w to unlock iPhone 3GS 4.0.1.

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