I rumors sono padroni anche nella giornata di oggi delle principali testate blog sui cellulari. Un sito asiatico infatti ha riportato una notizia davvero strana: i prossimi Nokia 5800 prodotti potrebbero arrivare sul mercato con uno schermo capacitivo invece che resistivo.?
Questa mossa porterebbe ad una maggiore sensibilit? dello schermo (che risulterebbe paragonabile a quello di iPhone e Omnia HD) e soprattutto potrebbe portare in un futuro non molto lontano, ulteriori telefoni touchscreen di Nokia compatibili con la tecnologia multitouch.?
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Nell’articolo completo il comunicato.
Nokia plans to replace the resistive touch panel currently used in its 5800 handset with a capacitive touch panel in order to compete effectively with rival models from Apple, Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics, according to sources at Taiwan handset component suppliers.
Nokia?s initial orders for capacitive touch panels will be enough for the production of two million 5800 handsets, with shipments of the new version to begin in May-June, indicated the sources, who are familiar with Nokia?s roadmap.
Thanks to 5800?s product design and adequate pricing strategy, sales of the 5800 have reached three million units so far since the device was launched in November 2008, the sources revealed.
Following the expected availability of the N97 in the second quarter, Nokia is also expected to roll out more models with capacitive touch panels, including ultra-thin and QWERTY versions, starting the third quarter, said the sources.