Nokia ha rilasciato nelle scorse ore un nuovo aggiornamento per il Nokia N78, che passa dalla versione firmware v.20.149 all’attuale v.21.002. Essendo un minor upgrade, non apporta sostanziali cambiamenti ma comunque ci sono alcuni bugfix. Sono rimasti per? alcuni errori presenti gi? nella scorsa release, quindi per esempio il menu WiFi ? rimasto in inglese, qualunque lingua scegliate.?
E’ disponibile anche un changelog semiufficiale, che trovate nell’articolo completo cliccando in basso su Read More. L’aggiornamento ? effettuabile sia tramite NSU (con la reinstallazione completa) con la possibilit? di effettuare prima un backup tramite PC Suite oppure tramite OTA (over-the-air) direttamente dal terminale premendo *#0000# e accedendo alle Opzioni del firmware. Consigliamo la seconda in quanto richiede due minuti, non cancella nulla e pesa nemmeno 1 MB.
Buon update!
Changes/Improvements/New features I have noticed from v20.149 to v21.002:
Standby screen:
*When Music Player is operating, and seeing the track name on the screen, and then when one song ends and goes to the next track, the speed at which this happens has almost no lag now compared to 20.149 where it still had some noticeable lag.
Call log, Contacts and calling function:
*Calling speed (from standby screen to Contacts or Call Log) and transition to call/disconnected screens even faster than 20.149, is instantaneous now.
*Even faster resume of music playback after call is ended, I would say it is instantaneous
*Now keypad tones are enabled when phone call is on loudspeaker, you can hear the tones when pressing buttons, which was previously not available
*Maps startup is now almost instantaneous, speed through all the Maps menus very fast
*Switching to different views is very smooth and fast now, i.e. to Map 3D etc.
*Maps version 2.0 week 39 remains the same
Music Player:
*When playing music, and playing visulisations and changing the volume, a new volume slider bar appears at the top of the screen.
Camera and Photos:
*Updating of pixelation in images (i.e. to smooth the picture out) when zooming in is faster than before
*Going into Details is faster than before, is not full screen view as it was before
*Scrolling speed through thumbnails is only minimally jerky now, transition back from playing videos to the Photo Gallery is now smooth and no blockiness appears
*More menu options added, not sure if all of these were already in 20.149, but they do appear new: Video mode, Go to Photo. Also when keypad is locked and you turn to resume, it says Camera On Standby.
*When going into Scene Modes in Camera, description text is now blue and not white, making it hard to read
*A few changes to the appearance of Flash Options, ISO etc etc in Camera.
*When going into the Settings menu, previously it would be able to be seen that the items were being ‘loaded’ or were ‘catching up’ – this speed is now very much improved and items appear almost instantaneously.
*Changing Network Mode from UMTS to GSM and vice-versa no longer appears blocky and is now instantaneous
*Overall system speed has been improved so it is even faster than 20.149
*Breathing lights come on instantaneously and are now faster
*Naviwheel performance has been tweaked even more, now is very useable in the main menu and has been improved again for the Music Player.
*Help menu speed from loading one article to another is now much faster.
*Msg Reader performance much improved, message display no longer lags when reading of one message has been completed and reading of next message begins
*N-gage application version has remained the same
Other documented changes that have been stated by others for v21.002:
Improvements to general stability of phone, Bluetooth audio enhancements, photo UI developments and email upgrades (i.e. Mail For Exchange has been updated).
*luyul?user here on Nokia boards: “I did notice the music player opens a little faster now. As for the volume on the FM trasmitter, it does seems a touch louder.. perhaps 10% or so.”
*dwedgbury?user here on Nokia boards: “Photos – Tag Browser:? still unable to browse photos by tags, dumped out to standby screen”.
thanks to: SpazioCellulare – Nokia Discussion Board