Aggiornamento, anche se non di grande rilevanza, per uno dei pi? diffusi programmi gratuiti per le previsioni del tempo. E’ il mio preferito in quanto ha un ampio database dove si possono trovare molte pi? localit? rispetto ai tradizionali programmi. La versione 1.1.18, quella che troverete nel download apporta i seguenti cambiamenti:
Fix compatibilit? con il The Blackberry
Aggiunti i men? per i telefoni che non posseggono la tastiera (es. Nokia 5800)
Inserimento messaggio di errore quando ci sono dei problemi nell’eseguzione del programma
Emissione di un segnale quando l’aggiornamento delle previsioni ? completo
Ricordo che l’applicazione ? in Java e di conseguenza la compatibilit? ? estesa a pi? dispositivi, inoltre il file che troverete nel download contiene vari file per tutte le dimensioni dei dislplay. Dopo il download potrete trovare il testo dell’articolo in inglese.
Per leggere l’articolo sul programma pubblicato il 14.10.08 cliccate ->QUI<-
The Weather midlet is a Java application for mobile devices to check the weather conditions in different locations. Download the new measurement and forecast data any time using the Refresh menu item. There are different views in the Weather midlet and you can change the views with the Up/Down navigation buttons. In the bottom-left corner you’ll find the elapsed time from the last data source refresh. It’s measured not from the refresh button press on the phone but the refresh of the real computed/measured data on the server. The Autorefresh option makes it possible to refresh the meteorological data automatically in regular intervals. Currently there are three main views:
You can check the current weather conditions in your locations on the same screen with this view. Basically this is a list with the selected cities and the current conditions of those locations.
This is a four days forecast for one location at a time. You can change the location with the Left/Right navigation buttons. For each location you can check the high and low temperature and precipitation levels forecasts for the next four days.
Current conditions
You can see the current detailed weather conditions for each location. Change between locations with the Left/Right navigation buttons. The following data is available on this screen (from top to down):
RealFeel? temperature
Wind direction and speed
Pressure value and tendency
Precipitation levels
Relative humidity
You can use this midlet in conjunction with the Sunclock midlet. If you already use the Sunclock, the Weather will import your city settings from it. Otherwise you will get the default city set. You can modify the cities with the Cities menu item or you can search locations on the internet using the Search menu. For better city search results sometimes it’s needed to add the country code after the city name. For example if you want to locate Halle, DE you should use the query string “Halle DE” because there are a lot of American cities with similar name so the search for “Halle” wouldn’t work. It is possible to change the units between metric and American system. There is an update function where you can check any software updates using the Update menu item. The Help and About functions will display the usual information screens, getting help, checking version and so on.
If you find layout problems you may check the other available variants using the ‘Variant’ function. This function doesn’t change the layout immediately; it just sets your required variant if you will make an ‘Update’ in the future. If you changed the preferred variant, the system will allow the update even if there isn’t a newer version available.
Warning! Weather midlet requires a GPRS, EDGE or similar phone based data connection that offers Internet access.
Release notes:
The Blackberry issue fixed
Added menu based navigation for phones without keyboard
Error message display when exception occurs
Sound signal when update completed