mConnection ? una piccola applicazione che ci permette di tenere sotto controllo il traffico in kb effettuato sulla? rete internet in entrata e in uscita. Questo servir? sopratutto a coloro che hanno stipulato un abbonamento a consumo oppure come al sottoscritto che ha una tariffa flat con a disposizione un tot. di mega al mese.
Il software ? gratuito ma ? in versione unsigned, quindi dovr? essere opportunamente certificato oppure dovr? essere installato tramite l’hack del symbian
L’applicazione prevede molyte personalizzazioni tra cuii:
– Controllare il tuo attuale connessioni;
– Mostra informazioni sul tuo traffico e la velocit? di picco;
– Posizionamento della finestra di dialogo;
– Le dimensioni della finestra delle opzioni;
– La finestra delle opzioni di colore;
– Il font;
– Testo a colori;
Come di consueto il download lo potrete trovare sul QR-Code qui di seguito
mConnection 0.5b Unsigned – Network Traffic & Speed Monitor
How often did you have a low account with a thought in your mind ?Ha, with two minutes internet browsing my account would not get empty?. And how often did you have to switch on a preinstalled connection manager to check the amount of megabytes used? How often did you meter a speed of your connection? Think about it ? it is uncomfortable, isn?t it? That?s why we have developed a freeware application for Symbian 9 Series 60 devices, which shows the amount of used traffic and current speed of your connection. The application is named mConnection. This program can work with any Access Point of your device.
Information is shown in a popp-up window on-top of the other windows. Current version uses about 300 kb RAM and consumes power about 15 seconds of whole phone work in ICQ.
Application has a lot of different options and functions:
– monitor your current connections;
– show information about your traffic and speed in top op all windows.;
– window placement options;
– window size options;
– window colour options;
– font option;
– text colour option.;
From 0.05a to 0.05b
– public beta-version;
– added real-time colour choice;
– added Russian, Ukrainian, German and Spanish languages;
From 0.04 to 0.05a
– code optimization decreasing power usage;
– added window colour settings;
– added text colour settings;
– changed frame colour to RGB 100 100 100;
– added icon also to task managers (earlyer only for menu);