Il programma, specifico per smartphone che utilizzano il s.o. Symbian e distribuito con licenza free, sfrutta la potenzialit? dell’antenna GPS del nostro dispositivo per calcolare la posizione esatta della Luna e del Sole unitamente all’ora dell’alba e quella del tramonto a seconda della posizione in cui ci troviamo.
L’applicativo fornisce anche azimuth e l’elevazione del sole e della luna.
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mobiScaphe uses the current location and time to calculate the current position of the sun and moon with respect to the phone’s location and from this provide various information.
mobiScaphe is a Python based application for Symbian S60 3rd edition phones such as the N95 that have GPS support. The application must be signed before use, see installation instructions here.
mobiScaphe uses the current location and time to calculate the current position of the sun and moon with respect to the phone’s location and from this provide various information.
The sun dial shows the position of the sun in the sky with the centre being directly overhead and the circle being the horizon. The sun in always shown at the 12 ‘0’ clock position and the other elements move around it. If the sun or moon circle is empty it is below the horizon. The purple tint shows dawn and dusk. The red line points to true North, so the app can be used as a compass by using a finger to cast a shadow on the phone and aligning the shadow with the sun line on the phone. The day/night image moves anticlockwise as the sun moves east to west in the northern hemisphere.
The navigation up /down keys switch the top line to display:
– Time of sunrise and sunset.
– Time of dawn and dusk
– Time of moonrise and moonset
– Current azimuth and elevation of sun
– Current azimuth and elevation of moon
The moon dial shows the current moon phase, its age and illumination percentage.
The tide dial is experimental and shows the tidal force at the current location over the day at half hour intervals with the red line showing the current time. The tidal force affects the time of high and low tides but tides tend to lag behind the force. This drag varies between locations and can be several hours, but tends to be a constant factor for a particular location. It can therefore be used as a tidal clock, by entering an appropriate drag value using the Drag option in the Options Menu.
The lower line shows the current GPS status which can be one of:
– None – no GPS data available
– Last – the last GPS location obtained is being used if the GPS is not yet available
– Current – the current GPS location is being used.
Press * key to keep backlight switched on (yellow blob appears)
? Symbian S60 3rd edition phone with GPS
? Python for S60 (PyS60)