Avevamo gi? parlato di questo simpatico programma in data 06 settembre e l’articolo avevva riscosso un grande successo con moltissimi download. Non potevo segnalarVi l’uscita della nuova versione 1.10! Il programma Vi ricordo che ? rilasciato con licenza freeware e se vi siete persi l’articolo di settembre potrete leggerne il contenuto andando su questa pagina.
Qui di seguito potrete trovare il download. Per chi ? avezzo all’uso del QR-Code potr? scaricareselo direttamente sul proprio dispositivo, diversamente baster? cliccare sull’immagine per scaricare il file sul computer!
Buon dievertimento! All
Per chi non sapesse come utilizzare il QR-Codes pu? leggere una piccola guida a questa pagina
? Press arrow left or key 4 and arrow right or key 6 to switch between local files and Bluetooth files.
? Press left menu or key 7 to open/close main menu.
? Press right menu or key 9 to execute on-screen fast command.
? Press key # or key * to select/unselect current item.
? Press key 1 to copy currently selected items to clipboard.
? Press key 3 to paste items from clipboard to current folder.
? Press key 0 to enter into/exit from fullscreen mode: a view without top and bottom bars.
When a menu item contains an icon, you can press that shortcut key to execute associated command.
? Press arrow up or key 2 and arrow down or key 8 to move between commands.
? Press FIRE key or key 5 to execute currently selected command.
? Press left menu, key 7 or BACK key to close main menu.
? Press left menu or key 7 to press left button (green).
? Press right menu or key 9 to press right button (red).
? Press FIRE key or key 5 to press button (when single).
Java 2 Micro Edition enabled device with MIDP 2.0 and CLDC 1.1 support.
Version 1.10
Signed with VeriSign and Thawte certificates;
Added the ability to “Open item” also from a Bluetooth device (with progress);
Added a simple text file viewer;
Added Theme file extensions;
Added Portuguese language;
Changed “Open item” and “Enter folder” menu entries (now fused togheter);
Changed key handling engine: completely reviewed;
Changed language selection screen: now showed at the first launch;
Fixed “Uri is not valid” bug on some Nokia devices;
Fixed “Unterminated entity ref” bug on some Sony devices;
Fixed XML parser bug on some devices (UTF-8 reader);
Fixed file size bug of some file downloads;
Fixed FTP bug of LG KF750 (Secret) phones;
Fixed unchanged icon when file is renamed;
Fixed “Cancel” device command (search bug);
Fixed empty paste bug on remote files list;
Fixed Bluetooth ON/OFF bug (check disabled);
Fixed repeated keys bug for select/unselect;
Fixed Russian language bug on some devices;
Fixed Hungarian language.