Come anticipato nel titolo dell’articolo BuddyWay ? un software che pu? essere scaricato gratuitamente dopo essersi regitrati sul sito e permette la visualizzazione della posizione dello smartphone sulla mappa di google. Oltre alla posizione verranno disegnati due grafici che rappresenteranno la velocit? e il cambiamento di altitudine.
* Track any GPS-enabled phone in real-time online.
* Save trips for later reference.
* Share the trips with desired people or keep them private.
* Capture and comment on particular locations of your trip (in real-time) directly from your phone.
* Import and save trips to Google Earth to visualize them in 3D-mode and more.
* View route statistics and charts: route length, route duration, avg. & max. speed, altitude changes, etc.
* Setup alerts on desired regions and get alerted when nearby.
* See the list of supported devices on the website.
Buddyway is now working with external bluetooth GPS receivers!
After installation of Buddyway 0.2.17 you can:
* track & save your trips to Buddyway service
* add personal notes to your trips
* display statistics of communication and transmission’s costs
Buon divertimento con BuddyWay !