Riparare il Vostro Iphone 3G – Intervento a cuore aperto


Girando per la rete ho trovato un bellissimo sito RapidRepair dove si trovano parecchie guide per l’autoriparazione di Iphone, Ipod. Il sito ? specializzato quindi tutte le guide che troverete sono molto dettagliate. Qui di seguito troverete la spiegazione di come aprire il Vostro Iphone, ma se andate sul sito trovere anche come intervenire per la sostituzione della batteria dell’Ipod.

Vi consiglio di leggere attentamente il sito ? molto interessante e si pu? scoprire tutto quello che questi giochini tecnologici contengono.

Guida completa dopo il salto.

iPhone 3G Prepare

  • Tools required:
  • Small Phillips Screw Driver
  • Small Flathead or exacto razor
  • Safe Open Tool
  • Repair Toolkit available HERE
  • Gather all neccesary tools and place your iPhone 3G on a clean flat surface, use a soft cloth or towel to place under it.

    iPhone 3G Enjoy

    Take a look at the iPhone 3G in all its shiny glory!

    simcard and sim tray Step 1

    Begin by removing the sim tray, using the included sim card removal tool (or a paperclip if you’ve lost the tool.)

    dock connector Step 2

    Holding your device on end you will notice two small screws on either side of the dock. These screws must be removed in order to open the case.

    iphone 3g Step 3

    Insert a small thin tool between the chrome ring and front panel glass directly above one of the screw holes. You will need to exert a small amount of pressure to seperate the display from the back panel.

    inside 3g iphone Step 4

    Lift the panel up from the dock end being careful not to tear or break any ribbons connected near the other end.

    ribbon cable Step 5

    Unplug ribbons 1 and 2 by lifting them from the main board. Under ribbon 2 you will need to find and unclip ribbon 3, then carefully remove the display assembly.

    3g iphone mainboard screws Step 6

    Remove the seven screws circled in red. Note: One screw is located under the DO NOT REMOVE sticker 🙂

    speaker and home switch assembly Step 7

    Unplug ribbon 4.

    3g iphone mainboard Step 8

    Llift the mother board out taking note of the camera which is still connected to the underside of the board. You will need to unplug the ribbon circled in red.

    3g iphone dissasmbled Step 9

    Place the mother board to the side.

    3g iphone battery Step 10

    Use the attached tab to pull up on the battery, there is a mild adhesive on the back side, so it will take a bit of force.

    3g iphone backpanel Step 11

    Remove the screw circled in red.

    3g iphone camera Step 12

    Carefully remove the camera.

    3g iphone headphone jack assembly screws Step 13

    Remove the nine screws circled in red.

    3g iphone headphone jack assembly Step 14

    Remove the headphone jack and attached flex cable.

    3g iphone speaker assembly Step 15

    Remove the speaker assembly which also contains the dock connector, antennae and home button as well.

    3g iphone vibrator assembly screws Step 16

    Remove the 2 screws circled in red.

    3g iphone vibrator assembly Step 17

    Place the vibrator assembly to the side.

    3g iphone lcd screws Step 18Back to the Front Half

    Remove the 2 screws circled in red. You will find 3 screws on the opposite side which must be removed as well.

    3g iphone lcd Step 19

    Lift the LCD free from the front panel glass.

    3g iphone completely disassembled Step 20 – Finished

    Pictured is every component inside the iPhone 3G.

    iPhone 3G Chips Bottom Main Board Under the Hood – Apple iPhone 3G exposed!

    Top Main Board

    Pictured is every component inside the iPhone 3G labeled and noted precisely. Thanks to Semiconductor Insights

    iPhone 3G Chips Front Main Board

    Bottom Main Board

    Pictured are chips responsible for Bluetooth, and Flash memory on board.


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